Coffee Filter Flowers

Credits: Make and Takes

We used Marie’s (from Make and Takes blog) instructions for these Coffee Filter Flowers! We made these with a group of residents with Alzheimer’s/dementia, and they loved the flexibility of this craft! No matter the coloring medium or the number of coffee filters colored per flower, each flower turned out unique and beautiful. 🌟

Made by 3 residents!


  • Coffee Filters (5-6 per flower)
  • Coloring supplies (markers, crayons, colored pencils, or watercolor)
  • Pen or pencil
  • Washi tape (or any type of paint)
  • (Optional) water and cups


Step 1: Color coffee filters with any thing you’d like: watercolor, crayons, markers, etc.

(Optional): Color coffee filters with markers. Gather each coffee filter in the center and dip center tip into a cup of water. Watch the color spread!

Step 2: Gather each coffee filter in the center and twist tightly, creating a bunched look.

Step 3: Group twisted coffee filters together (approximately 5-6 filters, depending on desired size of flower) and attach to the end of the pencil with washi tape.

Step 4: Enjoy your beautiful flower pen or pencil!

Published by Caring Crafts

Caring Crafts aims to use crafts as part of dementia, Alzheimer's, and elder care. We deliver craft workshops to various local nursing and rehabilitation centers throughout Boston.

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